Dev8 ing

CRank: 5Score: 10100

I have no interest in another Bully title.

5362d ago 4 agree13 disagreeView comment

That could be said about any of their games.

5362d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

How many people kept the game period. There wasn't much to it. It looked nicer but where are all the side quests. I was expecting to have as much to do as San Andreas but there wasn't anything besides shooting fuking pigeons and jumping ramps.

5362d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

So just to make sure everyone is on the same page NO GTAIV DLC we only want the agent please.

5362d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because it may have done 7 or 8 being multiplatform which would be about 30 - 80 million more in profit. You forget that most companies are greedy.

5362d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The reason PC gamers didn't like Gears was because there are much better games on the PC. When your only other options on the 360 for shooters is mass effect and Halo you're gonna think that gears is awesome. But PC gamers have much better shooters than Gears so relatively it sucked on PC but was awesome on a console.

5362d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Was he the same guy that called the 360 community fuktards?

5363d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Any attention is good attention is what these developers are going for. MAG wont do well and Forza hasn't done well so the developers want to get some attention for their games. This is one of the easiest.

5363d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You don't see all the Jaggies in the 360 version.

5363d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Obviously you're trying to flame but the advantages of PC version are
1) Graphics
2) Faster load times
3) Price ($50)
4) Controls (M & K FTW)

5363d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

As always the 360 version looks washed out. That aside it also looks like the 360 version suffers from sever aliasing. Having played ME on both system I have to say that besides the obvious graphical, cost (only $50) and loading advantages the PC version has the major factor that gives the PC version the leg up is the controls. Using the mouse and keyboard is a lot easier for playing this game and made playing the 360 version a nightmare. Obviously I will be getting the PC version but not...

5363d ago 10 agree23 disagreeView comment

Wow looks awesome. The scale is crazy.

5363d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah obviously every one has forgotten the Halo 3 Bullshots and the Gears Bullshots. Wait to see actual footage before saying anything.

5363d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The thing with mass effect is that you can never tell whether it's being run on a PC or the 360. I mean sure they have the 360 controller but I can play Mass effect with my PS3 controller if I want.

5363d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah quit posting that same screen shot. Here are some better ones.


5363d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Trying to keep up with the discussion but that picture of killzone doesn't show any ground let alone ground textures. Is that what you're getting at?

5363d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

You forget that it has twice as many cars racing online at a time than forza. Has twice as many cars as forza. Has the topgear track. Looks better. The only thing forza has is a rewind feature (for noobs) and a paint shop (for the pimp my ride generation) GT5 will probably have the latter also since it always does.

5364d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

Alan Wake says hello. GT the wannabe? How many games have copied forza? none.

5364d ago 9 agree5 disagreeView comment

I think MS is trying to get the PC community to go 360. I ain't gonna do it.

5364d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I mean I got the first 2 but I don't see myself buying a third one if it is released. Maybe if they changed some things like add a single player campaign. And also make the game playable offline ie make the bots smart. They also need more than 5 scenarios it just gets boring pretty quick.

5365d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment